Tag Archives: type of battery

What Is A Dual Purpose Marine Battery?

Just what is a “dual-purpose” battery and does it live up its hype as an excellent marine battery—overall? Some experts would argue otherwise and why a “dual-purpose” battery does not always “hold up” when it comes to performance—get the gist of the fuss when you read down below and make your consideration.

What Are “Dual-Purpose” Marine Batteries – Is It Anything Special?

The short answer to this ever so popular question (among boat wielding or RV wielding enthusiasts, anyway) is that a “dual-purpose” battery can:

1. Startup or provide a starter process (cranking) for a boat’s or RV motor engine.
2. Distribute further distribution processes (deep cycling) across a wide array of small-electric scale demanding applications like an RV or boat’s radio or light bulb equipment. (amongst other things).

That above is the sweet and simple premise of the “dual-purpose” battery—it can do a dual function that a starter battery or deep-cycle is not in designation to do.

For many outsides of “expertise,” a “dual-purpose” marine battery can mean:
– You, as a consumer, get the “best out of both worlds” and possess an array that can both act as your starting device and your trolling device.
– You, as a consumer, can rest in assurance (for the most part) that your dual-purpose battery is of high-quality (because a dual-purpose battery is technical by design being for two otherwise different functions).
– You, as a consumer, can enjoy a considerably higher than “generic” average of deep cycling (in comparison to sub-part deep cycling brands), which means more currents in delivery to all sorts of appliances you possess during your boat ride.
– You, as a consumer, can trust that there “will be enough” power or currents in delivery for the basic startup, which can often be a more favorable benefit in comparison to more “generic” starter batteries you can find around the block.
– You, as a consumer, will possess a battery that will be in good condition to start when it is in the cold weather (where most cells face a problem) and propel you through (literally) with the promise (and assurance) that the battery will “float” enough to get you back to land.

In terms of a beginner or a novice (whatever introductory description you would want to use), it calls to reason that a dual-purpose is your “go-to” for a more convenient solution to your problems.

With that in reference, there are cases (especially with expert boat enthusiasts or those with much experience in fishing around waters) where a starting battery or a deep cycling battery is a much better choice than a dual-purpose battery.

So, this leaves the question, outside of the basics and convenience—is a “dual purpose” even particular?

In principle and for marketing speak, a good dual-purpose can “never” be a great starting or cranking battery or a high deep-cycle battery—tight spot when you boil it down.

But an excellent dual-purpose battery can be not just or marine operations but lend themselves for RVs (rental vans) and recreational activity operations like those in golf-carts or even expensive and demanding wheel-chairs.

On A More Technical Note, What Does “Dual-Purpose” Mean For A Marine Battery?

But you may be asking, “what does a “dual-purpose” specifically mean for the marine battery?

Of course, the question above is can never discount user (and expert preference)—if you like any of the three common battery function types, then do go for that type.

But, since a “marine battery” is an umbrella term for batteries that can address or give solutions to different problems regarding boat performance (again, not submarines), you can technically find that a dual-purpose battery fits right in the logic.

A “marine battery” is in designation to adapt and sustain the overall process of powering up a boat or marine vehicle down a body of water (for clarity, small fishing boats and not submarines, in case you were wondering):

1. A dual-purpose “marine” battery should be able to start the (not to be redundant) starting the motor—this is where the “cranking” is essential.
2. A dual-purpose “marine” battery should be able to power the “secondary” engine of a small fishing boat such as the trolling motor—this is where the “deep cycling” is essential.
3. A dual-purpose “marine” battery should be able to not just be “effective” (the above engine processes) but also be “efficient”, which for a marine battery means a higher and faster rate of charging (right amperes per hours) and a much slower rate to enter a discharge (high reserves of capacity).

That right above should answer (as briefly as possible) what “the fuss” is all about when it comes to a “dual-purpose” battery and why it is an excellent choice for your marine battery needs.

But, let us not point out the obvious: battery brands “do” matter and too many consumers, they matter—a lot more than you can give a count to consider.

And, while we are at it, let us acknowledge another obvious thing: brand or not, lousy battery manufacturing or “old” or batteries near the brink of “death” warrant as much blame as just the type of battery function you are using.

There is, of course, something to be said of the above statements when it comes to battery quality.

What Makes A Marine Battery Different To, Say, A Car Battery?

The main difference between a “marine” battery and a “car” battery is in the reference above, which is a marine battery contains both:

An engine for starting the whole process as you begin your boat fishing ride—a starting motor. (the primary motor).
A driver for the trolling motor further through the water and distribute enough “floating” charge for other applications you may use while fishing or resting. (the secondary motor).
A car’s engine needs a starter for cranking up the process and then begins a process of transference towards an alternator (the keyword being alternate), which holds the “charge” from the initial start-up. (that click or turn of the key, so to speak).

The above speaks a good bunch for what is a “dual-purpose” battery mean as a convenient solution to not just boats but other vehicles, just as well.